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Krzysztof Drewniak / loop-tiling-dp-simple
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThe really trivial precise dynamic programming code we're puting together to have a starting point for Ras's thing
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My final project for the CSE490 special topics course on deep learning.
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Ashlie Martinez / tapir
MIT LicenseThis repo includes all of the TAPIR and IR code as well as implementations of two-phase commit, strict two-phase locking, optimistic concurrency control and Viewstamped Replication for building a variety of replicated, transactional key-value stores.
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Shared CSE 478 project repository. (Use your personal mushr478-netid repository, not this one!)
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Shared CSE 478 project repository. (Use your personal mushr478-netid repository, not this one!)
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Drivers for accessing and controlling the gripper/finger sensors
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ubicomplab / libsquiggly
MIT LicenseGeneric codes and algorithms to answer the age-old question; "Why do the squiggly lines do what they do?"
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C# cross-platform robotics library with hardware support for Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black.
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DeepTricorder: an app which utilizes deep learning to infer blood volume pulse from a live video of your face. As far as we know, it's the first DL-based remote physiological sensing app. Runs on Android
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