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Abdulmajid Ali / cse-451-lab-1
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Shared CSE 478 dependencies repository. (This is already installed on your virtual machine.)
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Shared CSE 478 dependencies repository. (This is already installed on your virtual machine.)
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teaching-materials / accessibility-website
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Trivia Game which fetches information from a website using curl, formatting with JSON.
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Used tools such as React to develop a webapp with a client and server side, enabling 3 different pages and storing relevant guest information on a server
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Jake Seaman / Chess_Steganography
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyadded feature to decoder to change legal move ordering to conform to the priority piece system, as well as ensured all legal moves were earliest to alphabet and smallest number to latest in alphabet to largest number
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Starter repo for HW5 FAANG auto deploys to https://cse391.pages.cs.washington.edu/faang-starter/
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Peter Fidelman / fe-annotated
MIT LicenseUpdated