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Material Exploration, Calibration, Testing, and Interactivity

Jasper Tran O'Leary requested to merge material-exploration into master

Created by: jhaazpr

Note: this PR will serve as my "autoethnographic" exploration of calibrating, printing, and thinking about how and how not to formalize this. So, there will be lots of notes for Nadya to read.

Print List 11/11/20 (will add files for these soon):

  • Bed leveling test (do this until we have satisfactory results)
  • PLA homespun bridge test
  • ABS homespun bridge test
  • Either stop and re-evaluate, or do the homespun bridge test with a different CAM setting

Ideas already:

  • One must pass a basic suite of tests (here, bed leveling) before characterizing
  • It would be great if the calibration were interactive e.g. printer prints one bridge at a chosen length and then the person can change 1 setting and try again (e.g. travel speed—this isn't necessarily characterizing the machine as it is finding optimal machine-and-model-feature pairings). This would really speed up the process, and then we have information about the person's search path through machine/model-feature space, not just data points.

Merge request reports
