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More I/O on the BBB (UART, CAN, I2C)

Daniel Fonseca Yarochewsky requested to merge more-bbb-io into master

Created by: CaiB

This adds CAN and UART device tree overlay functionality, UART communication, and a re-implemented I2C Port from BBBCSIO that gives more useful error output.

There's also a bug fix in the BBBPin class that made P9_41 unusable, and also a fix to application behaviour if you select ApplicationMode.APPLY_REGARDLESS that made it not apply previously.

I have written some UART and CAN documentation in OneNote, and made sure to mention the current issues on the Pin Modes and Features pages.

CAN is relatively untested. UART is tested and working (at least, UART1 and UART2 worked), but I'll need to go back and fix UART3. The new I2C port should make no difference other than the one exception output.

Merge request reports
